Getting in touch

Support and bug reports

If you're having a technical issue with one of our products, for the faster turnaround we recommend consulting our communities on Discord and Steam Forums. Alternatively, feel free to email us at

If the issue is with Derail Valley, we recommend you to include a bug report archive file that can be exported from the game, as it will shorten the correspondence and help us understand better what's going on.

If you use or have used mods, please report bugs to modders at the #mods-support-and-bugs channel on our Discord server, and not to us directly. This is because any mods can cause bugs that don't exist in the shipped product.

Fan reach out

If you'd like to say hi, give feedback or send a simple message our way, please email us at
While we do check Discord DMs from time to time, email is less likely to interrupt our work.

Job applications

Please refer to our jobs page.

Beta tester and/or translator volunteer applications

We're currently restructuring our application/organization process. Please check back in a month or two.

Business inquiries

For non-spam business inquiries please email us at

Thanks for getting in touch!

We try to respond to all non-spam email, depending on current workload.
If you'd like to follow us on social media, please find the links at the bottom of the home page.